Mr. Simon Pawley comes from London, U.K. and is a historian whose research and teaching engages with a variety of other academic disciplines. His research focuses on the history of medicine, psychiatry, and psychology in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union.
With a background in interdisciplinary area studies, he has taught university courses on various aspects of modern European and world history and methods courses on sociological, anthropological, literary, and cultural approaches to history. He has taught at Queen Mary, University of London (U.K.), Oriel College, University of Oxford (U.K.), and Nazarbayev University (Kazakhstan).
He is currently completing a doctoral thesis at University College London (U.K.). One research article arising from this project has appeared in the journal Historical Research; further research articles and a book manuscript are planned. He is co-translator of a recently published book on the history of Stalinism in Kazakhstan.
Mr. Pawley received his Bachelor’s degree in History and his Master’s degree in East European Studies from University College London (U.K.). He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (U.K.).